by Michael Kunzinger
The public is invited to attend the annual meeting of the Friends of Deltaville Library on Thursday, Feb. 6, from 2 to 4 p.m. The meeting will be at the Middlesex County Public Library (MCPL) system’s Deltaville branch at 35 Lovers Lane, a little southeast of the Hurd’s True Value Hardware store. It will consist of two parts, first of a business meeting, followed by a presentation by Middlesex author David Howell.
The business meeting will include a financial report, election of the new slate of officers for the coming year, and highlights of Friends 2024 activities in support of the Deltaville branch library. The business meeting will be followed by a presentation by Howell, author of “Tethered to an Appalachian Curse,” “Buried Dreamer,” and his most recent, “All Saved Great and Small.” Refreshments and a book signing gathering will follow Howell’s talk.
The Friends will accept renewals and new memberships. The annual dues for a family membership in the Friends of the Deltaville Library are $25 and a single membership is $10.
The MCPL system is not an agency of the county, but is a nonprofit organization, and relies on donations to support many of its day-to-day needs. The Friends, also a nonprofit organization, was created in the 1980s to help the Deltaville branch, and have made a myriad of contributions to the branch over the years, both in supportive activities and financial assistance.
Among their ongoing activities are maintaining the Pre-Owned Pages Book Sale Room (open weekly during library hours), an annual bake sale on the Saturday before Easter, and the annual book sale in November. Other recent projects include the planting of the pollinator garden outside the library, a new mural, new landscaping projects on the library’s borders and green spaces, and renovation of the restrooms.
Everyone is invited to attend the Friends of Deltaville Library’s annual meeting at MCPL’s Deltaville branch on Thursday, Feb. 6, from 2-4 p.m.
For information, email or call the MCPL’s Deltaville branch at 776-7362.